Supernodes: The Ultimate Online Community Connection

When people go online they log onto their social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and etc. These forms of media control who gets to see their post and also enables them to choose who they want to be friends with. Therefore, they have established their own personalized community. Many people fail to realize that their social media could be so much more. In fact, their media can be a strong supernode. A supernode takes a form of social media and gives a visual representation of all the people that are connected to it. For instance, I myself have a Facebook account. On this account I have countless friends, family, and acquaintances that I an interact with online. But, I truly only can see my connections that I have with those people and nothing further than that. But, with the help of I was about to connect all my friends on facebook to their database where it rendered a chart of all my friends. The chart displayed who they talk to,  the people that are the most relevant to me, and further connections to who my friends talk to that I am not friends with. Creating this chart was an eyeopening experience. I literally had a view of my strongest connections and who my connections also were in cahoots with. The chart also made me realize that Facebook is a strong supernode for me because of all of the people I know and how many people they know as well. I only broadened my community through this supernode. Another supernode of mine I found is Twitter. My twitter account is fairly new, but I follow the top Disney accounts that give me a great understanding of the Disney Company. Therefore I have few people I follow, but they are critical to my knowledge of Disney. When I downloaded the data from my Twitter to Yasiv it also displayed some interesting information. A lot of the Disney accounts I followed are connected and it also showed other Disney accounts that my accounts followed.  I benefited greatly from this supernode because of the newfound connections I have made. My supernodes make me a more aware user because I can further utilize my connections for my personal gain. My social media can now take me further than I originally intended. I can become a more effective user through my newfound supernodes.

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